Niniejszy regulamin obowiązuje od 1 września 2024 roku i określa sposób funkcjonowania Sklepu internetowego pod nazwą VULIARE znajdującego się pod adresem internetowym oraz warunki korzystania z niego.


Regulamin określa prawa i obowiązki Klientów Sklepu, a także prawa, obowiązki i zakres odpowiedzialności Administratora jako podmiotu zarządzającego i prowadzącego Sklep.Każdy potencjalny Klient zobowiązany jest zapoznać się z treścią Regulaminu i może podejmować dalsze czynności wyłącznie po uprzednim wyrażeniu zgody i akceptacji wszystkich jego postanowień.

Administratorem sklepu internetowego VULIARE ( jest firma:

SWEGRO Sp. z o.o.

ul. ALEJA JANA PAWŁA II, nr 43A, lok. 37B

01-001 Warszawa


NIP: 5272969798 
KRS: 0000919149

REGON: 389879551


Firma wpisana jest do Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego prowadzonego przez Sąd Rejonowy w Warszawie Wydział XIII Gospodarczy Krajowego rejestru Sądowego pod numerem KRS: 919149, kapitał zakładowy: 5.000 PLN (pięć tysięcy złotych) w całości opłacony).


mail ws. zamówień: [email protected]
mail ws. współprac biznesowych: [email protected]



  1. 1.Postanowienia niniejszego regulaminu (zwanego dalej „Regulaminem”) dotyczą wszystkich zawieranych z VULIARE umów sprzedaży i dostawy towaru poprzez sklep internetowy (zwany dalej „Sklepem”), niezależnie od zastosowanego w danym przypadku środka porozumiewania się na odległość, służącego do kontaktu lub zawierania umów pomiędzy konsumentami a przedsiębiorstwami bez fizycznej obecności stron umowy.


  2. 2.Regulamin skierowany jest do wszystkich zarejestrowanych i niezarejestrowanych użytkowników Sklepu (zwanych dalej „Klientami”) oraz określa zasady dokonywania rejestracji i korzystania z konta sklepu, zasady dokonywania elektronicznej rezerwacji produktów dostępnych w ofercie sklepu, składania zamówień w sklepie oraz zasady zawierania Umów sprzedaży.


  3. 3.Warunkiem koniecznym do rozpoczęcia korzystania ze Sklepu i składania zamówień jest zapoznanie się z niniejszym Regulaminem i jego akceptacja.


  4. 4.Klient może złożyć zamówienie bez konieczności trwałego rejestrowania swoich danych w bazie Sklepu pod warunkiem zapoznania się i akceptacją postanowień niniejszego Regulaminu.



  1. 1. The Store sells goods exclusively via the Internet. 
  2. 2. The Store accepts orders placed online, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Orders are accepted at 
  3. 3. To place an order, you need to select products from the available offer of the Store, sizes, and quantities by "adding" them to the shopping cart. 
  4. 4. All prices are given in PLN and include VAT. The price listed next to each item is binding from the moment the customer places an order (and confirms it) and is not subject to change even if the prices of products in the Store increase. 
  5. 5. Until the moment of approval of the selection of ordered products with the button "Go to checkout", the Customer has the opportunity to make changes and modifications to the products in the order. 
  6. 6. After approving the ordered products, the Customer is required to provide his/her contact information (applies to unregistered Customers), delivery method, and payment method. 
  7. 7. Shipping costs may be added to the order, which shall be specified during order placement. 
  8. 8. Submission of an order by the Customer (approval with the "Place Order" button) constitutes the Customer's offer to conclude a contract of sale, in accordance with the content of the Regulations. In the case of unregistered Customers, to place an order it is necessary to read the content of the Regulations and accept them in advance. 
  9. 9. The Customer may choose the following forms of payment for the ordered goods: BLIK payment, card payment, or electronic transfer through an external payment system iMoje, operated by the company ING Bank Śląski S.A. based in Katowice, Poland. 
  10. 10.  After placing an order, the Customer receives by e-mail information about its acceptance, which constitutes confirmation of the conclusion of the contract of sale. 
  11. 11. The store issues a VAT invoice for each order. 



  1. 1. Delivery of goods shall be made by the method selected by the customer and specified in the order. 
  2. 2. The store is obliged to deliver the goods to the buyer within a maximum of 20 days from the date of confirmation of the order or within any other period specified on the product sheet. 
  3. 3. In the case of unavailability of some of the goods covered by the order, the customer will be immediately informed of the status of the order and decide on the method of its implementation (partial implementation, extension of the waiting time, cancellation of the entire order). 
  4. 4. In case of circumstances preventing the execution of the order placed, the Store reserves the right to suspend its execution, and about the situation undertakes to immediately notify the customer. 
  5. 5. If the customer decides to cancel the order, and has previously made payment, the automatic refund of this amount, including shipping costs, will be made within 14 days after receipt by the Store of an email informing the customer of the cancellation of the order placed. On the other hand, in the case of the customer's decision regarding partial fulfillment of the order, the amount previously paid is credited towards the payment for the partially realized order, and the remaining surplus will be automatically refunded within 14 days after the Store receives an email informing about the partial fulfillment of the order. 
  6. 6. If the customer does not collect the package will be charged 30 PLN to cover the cost of two shipments. The amount will be deducted from the amount of the return in the case of prepaid orders, and in the case of collections, a letter will be issued calling for payment. 



  1. The customer may revoke the contract without giving any reason by sending a statement to that effect within 14 days from the date of receipt of the shipment. The declaration may be made in writing or in the form of an e-mail sent to [email protected]
  2. In the above-mentioned case the Customer is obliged to return the purchased goods immediately, no later than within 14 calendar days from the date of withdrawal from the contract. Return of the purchased goods shall be made to the address specified in the "Returns" tab. 
  3. A model statement of withdrawal from a contract concluded at a distance can be downloaded here. 
  4. In the event of effective withdrawal from the contract, the contract is considered not concluded, and the buyer Customer is released from all obligations. If the return is made within the indicated period, the Store guarantees the return of the entire amount paid for the goods and shipping costs by transfer to the customer's account. 
  5. The customer shall bear the direct costs of returning the goods, including shipping costs. 
  6. Returned goods must not bear traces of use, must not be damaged, soiled or washed. The returned goods must be accompanied by the receipt received with the product. 
  7. The right to return also applies to the entrepreneur making purchases for purposes related to his business, but not of a professional nature for the buyer. 



  1. 1. Products offered in the Store are brand new and original. 
  2. 2. The Store as a seller shall be liable to the Customer who is a consumer within the meaning of Article 221 of the Civil Code for non-compliance of the Goods purchased by this consumer, to the extent specified in the Act on Special Terms of Consumer Sales and Amendments to the Civil Code of July 27, 2002. Complaints can be filed by sending back the goods with a written description of the defect and proof of purchase, by registered mail to the address: 
    SWEGRO SP. Z O.O. 
    03-236 WARSAW 
  3. 3. The customer will receive information on the consideration of the complaint within 30 days from the date of receipt by the store of the letter containing the advertised goods. In case of positive consideration of the complaint submitted by mail, the Store will send to the Customer a full-value product within 14 days. 
  4. 4. If the complaint is not accepted, the goods will be sent back together with an opinion as to the unjustifiedness of the complaint at the expense of the buyer. 
  5. 5. The right of complaint shall also be entitled to the entrepreneur making purchases for purposes related to his business, however, not of a professional nature for the buyer. 



  1. 1. Products in the store may vary in dimensions up to 4 cm +/-. 
  2. 2. After receiving the product, it should be washed on the left side according to the washing recipe. 
  3. 3. Products that have rhinestone decorations need to be washed by hand. 
  4. 4. The site shows only the visualization of products, they may differ in shade, size of the imprint, and its location. 



  1. 1. In matters not covered by these rules and regulations shall be governed by the provisions of the Civil Code and the Act of March 2, 2000. On the protection of certain consumer rights and liability for damage caused by dangerous products (Journal of Laws of 2000 No. 22 item 271). 
  2. 2. Personal data is collected by the Store in accordance with the provisions of the Act on the Protection of Personal Data of 26.08.2002. Providing personal and address data is tantamount to a voluntary consent to the processing of data for marketing purposes only by the Store. 



  1. 1. The competent court for the settlement of disputes is the court of local jurisdiction according to the applicable laws. 
  2. 2. Polish law shall apply to the contract of sale of products in the store. The contract is concluded in the Polish language. 
  3. 3. In accordance with the Act of August 29, 1997 (Journal of Laws 1997 No. 133 po. 833) on the protection of personal data, we inform you that the personal data of customers are stored in the data file of our company. Personal data are collected only for our needs and processed for the purpose of carrying out the statutory business activities of the company, carrying out promotional and advertising campaigns, with compliance with the requirements of data security specified in the regulations on personal data protection. 
  4. 4. The Administrator reserves the right to change the provisions of these Regulations in particularly justified cases, among others: 
  5. a) in order to adapt them to generally applicable laws, 
  6. b) in order to eliminate possible provisions that may violate the interests of Customers, 
  7. c) connection with a change or expansion of the range of services and goods provided by the Store, 
  8. d) connection with a change in the profile of business. 
  9. 4. The changes referred to in paragraph 4 are not binding on customers who have placed an order before the introduction of the changes in the following terms and conditions, unless the changes result from mandatory provisions of law. The Customer will be notified of any change in the terms and conditions to the e-mail address indicated when placing the order. 
  10. 5. If changes are made to the Terms and Conditions, the Store will immediately inform the Customers by publishing the unified text of the Terms and Conditions on and a notification sent to the e-mail address provided by the Customer. The Customer (applies to registered customers) must accept the changes if he/she wants to continue to use the services of the Store. 
  11. 6. The Regulations shall come into force on the date of publication on the Store's website. 
  12. 7. In the event of amendment or invalidation, as a result of a final court decision, of any of the provisions of these Regulations, the remaining provisions shall remain in force and bind the parties.